GCP Private Service Connect: Explore Efficient Service Automation
In this blog post, we will outline a complete description of GCP Private Service Connect along with its advantages.
In the new era, services must be integrated and securely connected among various environments in cloud computing. GCP (Google Cloud Platform) provides a unique networking solution named GCP Private Service Connect. It provides private and secure communication among services.
GCP Private Service Connect
GCP Private Service Connect is a type of networking service that permits you to develop secure and private connections among third-party partners and Google Cloud services with your VPC networks. Due to its unique feature, you can easily access the needed services through your private network and you don't have to rely on public internet connection.
Main Attributes and Advantages
The main attributes and advantages of GCP Private Service Connect include the following:
Private and Safe Communication
The service connect is of a private nature which provides a secure traffic flow among private networks which optimizes security. It is much better than typical internet connections.
Enhanced Latency and Performance
By capitalizing on Private Service Connect, you can develop straight service connections that avoid latency and probable congestion due to the public internet grid. It optimizes secure and quicker communication among GCP resources and your services.
Clear Networking Structure
The network architecture is simplified due to the Private Service Connect. It removes the problems of handling public IP addresses, NAT gateways, and firewalls. It gives integrated and smooth connectivity for availing services inside the VPC network.
In the following section, we will present use examples of GCP Private Service Connect.
Exclusive Approach to APIs and Google Services
It provides a private approach to numerous APIs and Google services i.e. BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Pub/Sub, etc. With it, you can safely transmit data among such services and your VPC network. You will be able to develop private connections without negotiating the public internet.
Safely Connecting with Partner Services
With Private Service Connect you can safely use and connect with services that are provided by third parties. This is particularly significant when you are automating with managed databases, SaaS providers, or any external services. It makes sure that private data exchange happens safely.
Aspect of Intra-org Services
Private Service Connect provides streamlined and safe integration of applications. By developing private connections you can increase your network among the entire application components without affecting the function or safety.
Complete Guide to Private Service Connect
Now we will discuss the implementation of Private Service Connect to understand how to access Google storage API via virtual setup without the presence of internet and Public IP.
1. First, you need to develop a custom VPC network along with a subnet by using your preferred CIDR.

You have to ensure that Private Google Access is activated while developing the Subnet.

You have to include rules of ssh firewall for the requisite VPC for VM access.

2. Now make a storage bucket and then develop certain files of demo text inside the Bucket.

3. Now navigate to Compute Engine and get to creating a VM instance.
In the section of Network Management, select the Subnet and VPC which has been developed previously. Now select External IP as None. It will not make any public IP allocated.

Make sure that the VM can approach the Cloud Storage bucket developed previously. SSH into the VM by utilizing IAP or a third-party device. Now, use the curl command to approach the storage bucket through the API.
<pre class="codeWrap"><code>curl https://storage.googleapis.com/your-bucket/your-object</code></pre>
Don’t forget the file content has to be accessible while you’re inside the bucket. A route to Internet Gateway in VPC configurations will be present while the Private Google Access will direct traffic via that Gateway.
Next, you need to access Route Management in your VPC and then delete the Internet Gateway route as highlighted beneath.

After removal of the route, you should attempt approaching the bucket from the VM instance once more.
4. You will set up a configuration of Private Service Connect for approaching the storage bucket without needing the internet.
You have to go to Network Services and click Private Service Connect. Then include Connect Endpoint. Now select target as All Google APIs and choose a Network and Name as depicted below.

Using the section of IP address, develop a static IP of your preference as depicted below. The IP should not interfere with any of the previously prevailing internal VPCs or IPs.
First, click and save Add Endpoint. After a few moments, it should be there. You can also observe that a Service directory and DNS zone will form as a component of the Private Endpoint.

5. You can now attempt to approach the storage bucket by employing the private endpoint.
You will also be able to approach the storage object contents. Use the curl command as shown below to approach the storage API via a private endpoint.
<pre class="codeWrap"><code>curl https://storage-{your-endpoint-name}.p.googleapis.com/your-bucket/your-object</code></pre>
GCP Private Service Connect provides strong support for developing safe and private connections among multiple services and VPC networks. This feature increases safety and eases network architecture. It lets industries compose automated and effective cloud solutions. GCP Private Service maintains network integrity and keeps privacy.
Adopting GCP Private Service Connect is vital for organizations that aspire to efficient and safe cloud automation. Private Service Connect can be your perfect partner for incorporating security in your data privacy. Moreover, automation will enhance your network architecture.
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